Dressing in an Islamic way may attract few remarks but it attracts a great deal of respect, that is, for the sane and knowledgeable ones amongst us. It is compulsory, it is sunnah! We must do it! But we do not do it.. we forget about sunnah!
In Islamic dressing, explicitly saying, our main objective is to cover our (Private parts). For the boy or the guy or the man, it is his (private part), but for you Muslim sister, WALLAHI It is the entire body except for the palms. As long as he does that he is safe, he has got nothing to lose! But you my sister, you have lost it all!
Your body is a gift from Allah (SWT).. why ridicule it? People look at you,sometimes even stare! at you! and you blush, you feel happy, you are hot! Yes you should! You are a walking treasure! Antique! Oh my dear I hate to break it to you but all valuable things are kept hidden.. they are protected against dirt! So if you feel that way about yourself, then i must urge you to Protect yourself.. protect your body.. it is your treasure! Protect your dignity!
When we talk about dignity, the first thing that comes to my mind is respect and self-respect. Respect as we all know is an important factor, religiously, culturally or which ever way one can think of. We were all brought up to respect our elders, known ones and strangers. Islamically, 'respecting each other' is a very strong notion that Muslims act quite strictly upon.
Now when we bring up self-respect, it is a completely different issue. Dress modestly, seek Islamic knowledge unconditionally, protect yourself against the dirt and impurities of this dunya(world). And last but not least.. Respect yourself my sister for that would compel others to respect you!