Sunday, 27 January 2013

Premarital Relationships in Islam



When we talk about Pre-marital relationships, what comes to mind to most people is the idea of 'Dating'. Dating, as we call it, is the most common thing practiced amongst us today. It happens Everywhere.. From the mature ones to the immature ones. It is So bad that even the youngest of People do it. Children, Teenagers, The adults. This is all due to the excessive exposure we get, and are getting.
You see, some of us have good intentions at heart regarding these sorts of relationships. Atleast there is hope, want and perhaps a plan for something serious & productive, like Nikaah(Marriage) which is excellent! Because Marriage is Ibadah, Marriage is important, marriage is rated Highly in Islam. The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah(SWT) be with him and his family) once Said; "Whoever marries, protects half of his Deen(religion), then for the remaining half he must only fear Allah!" (Allahu Akbar).
   But you see, the thing is, not all of us have decent intentions when it Comes to this and everything else. They say "We do it for the fun of it", some say "We are Friends with Benefits", others Say "No strings Attached", and here, the great Life motto comes in; YOLO! (you only live once). Ofcourse you do, obviously, but sadly and unfortunately we use this term to Negative and Disastrous uses. #Subhanallah..
Please. Tell me What it is you Think you are Doing! Where is The fun?? Show me The Benefits!!!
#Astaghfirullah. May we all be among the righteous ones, ameen.
I do not Need to be explicit about this, we all know exactly how bad the situation is today in our Society. However, I shouldn't get carried away &jump into a Different topic, but IN SHAA ALLAH, this particular issue shall be addressed in the nearest future.

  Now when we say Dating is, rather disallowed in Islam, we tend to come up with excuses! One way or the other. What we often say is 'we are only trying to get to know them better, some of us even go to the point of saying "if we do not hang out, or spend time with one another how are we expected to know the type of man or woman it is we are Courting, or Marrying". Do not get me wrong, this all makes sense, intellectually! Maybe a bit rationally too in some cases, depending on the person in question! Or whichever way BUT Islamically! BUT ISLAMICALLY!! This is because the concept of dating as we have it today involves a male and a female being together, alone, in an excluded place mostly. Islam has made it clear to us that where a male and a female are alone together, the third party is Shaytaan. And Truly we are Humans, and No human is Free from Vice. No matter how hard we try to keep away or stay away from Shaytaan, he always finds A way of getting to Us. Be Rest Assured dating is one of The ways shaytaan uses to push us to disobey Allah. This is without Doubt! What if death snatches us while we're so busy 'dating' and 'Having Fun'? We all Know death is inevitable and it Gives us no Notice.
So my dear muslim Brothers & Sisters.. if your religion, Islam, disapproves of it, I assure you, you stand in No place to argue. It's Like you are trying to Justify the Laws and Commandments of Allah(SWT). #Subhanallah.. May Allah grant us Forgiveness!