Tuesday, 12 February 2013


    Haya is an arabic word that was extracted from the word 'Hayat' which means Life. It may be translated as Modesty, humility or Shyness. Haya is an attribute which pushes a believer to avoid any sort of thing that is disregarded & detestable in Islam. It protects the believer from Neglect & Indifference. It helps one to avoid the Displeasure of Allah Ta'ala.

    Haya plays an important role in our Lives as muslims. It is a very important aspect of our Imaan(Faith). If we lack it, then assuredly, our Imaan is indeed in the weakest of Forms. This is Supported by the following Hadiths; The Prophet (SAWS) said: “ Faith(Imaan) consists of more than 60 branches. And Haya is part of Faith”. Another states that; The prophet(pbuh) said: “ Haya(Shyness) & Imaan(Faith) are two that go together. If one is Lifted, the other is Also lifted”.

     So, now that we are a bit enlightened on what Haya is, we should know that there are 2 types of Haya. Just like there are 2 sides of a coin. We have the good(positive) Haya & the Bad(negative) Haya. The good Haya is the type which makes you feel ashamed to commit a sin or a thing which Allah(SWT) and His Messenger(SAWS) have Forbidden. If you have this type of Haya, then you may carry on, you are on the right path In Shaa Allah.
The bad Haya is that which makes you Feel ashamed to do a thing which Allah(SWT) and His Messenger(SAWS) ordered us to do.
#SubhanAllah! May Allah grant us Forgiveness.

    Prophet Mohammad(SAWS) taught Us the importance of Haya. The believing man/woman ought to be ashamed of themselves if they possess it not. For Haya is not meant to be adopted only by the women.. It is an attribute every believing muslim Including the Man, must acquire! The Prophet(pbuh) states in another hadith; “If you have lost Haya, then you may do as you please”.
May Allah protect us from going after our whims & Desires.. Ameen.

     In the Society we live in today, Shyness, Humility, chastity & Modesty are regarded as traits of a weak person. They say it is Lack of confidence. But little do they Know.. These are the qualities you find rarely in A person. I personally believe, a person who acquires & adopts them all is one who is conscious of his/her actions in regards to This life and The Aakhirah.

     Haya is the basic Foundation of Islamic morality. When it is Lost, then certainly, everything is Lost. My dear Muslim sister, Pray to your Lord! Ask Him to guide you to the Right path! Pray & Prostrate to Allah; The Exalted in Might! Ask your Lord to make a place for you with the Believing women. In Shaa Allah.
But.. The Question is..
Who is the Believing woman?? And who is The disbelieving Woman?? We all gotta wonder..
We all gotta ask ourselves..

     The Believing woman is she who gives charity, fasts, prays QIYAM AL-LAYL (night prayers), observes HIJAB, Obeys her husband, Fears her Lord, is Kind to her neighbours and is Compassionate towards her Children.
Masha Allah, may Allah make us of the Believing women.

     And the Disbelieving woman on the other side of the Line, is she who makes a wanton Display of herself & let's down her guard. She is ignorant and Foolish, a mere Cheap, worthless & valueless product (of ridicule). She has no dignity, neither does she have self-respect, she has no value or honour for her religion.
#Subhanallah.. Astaghfirullah!

    So if that is the case, as we have it here.. Why don't we compare the 2 situations and then weigh?!....
My sister Wake up! And Choose wisely!
Allah is Al-Ghaffar (He who is all forgiving).
Allah is Al-Mumin (He who entertains Faith, The One who gives Faith to others).
Pray to Allah.. And Allah will Listen to you..
If Allah wills!

#Allahu Akbar!!
May Allah grant us Peace & Tranquillity!