Wednesday, 16 April 2014

GUEST POST: A Word From A Maiden; Look Beyond The Wedding Grandeur!

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

It's the night of Rabi'ul thaniy the 29th and Sunday, the 2nd of March of the years 1435 and 2014.
I write with hope that I pass across a message with Allah's permission and guidance; to draw the attention of (we) youths, to a problem many seem to be facing in their marital homes. For one unmarried such as myself, It takes a good deal of courage to talk or write about such an issue.

Firstly, just thinking of the alarming increasing divorce rates makes me almost gamophobic. Certainly there are many successful, happy marriages as there are unsuccessful, traumatic ones. I cannot help but find myself in awe, every time I remember the strength and solidity of our parent's marriages over a long duration of time. They too have undoubtedly faced challenges and bad times, but still strived to hold their marriages together. Have we ever stopped to wonder what has really kept them together?

I have come across many (forgive my choice of word) pathetic stories of numerous young married couples, which often leave me devastated. Marriages that last for only a third the time of the courtship, or tales of husbands who 'love' their wives yet beat them mercilessly over the most insignificant things. Stories like these are as disheartening as they are real.The major problems (in my opinion) are from within us and should be tackled by none other than ourselves. Even though I have never been married, which makes me seemingly not in the best position to talk about this, I believe I have had encounters with married couples (and to be sincere, a lot of this has to do with common sense anyway). So I believe I could give one or two advices from the little I've observed.

The most sensitive of all issues, is our lack of honesty or better yet, our ''fake-ness''. This is something that has affected a lot of young marriages. It begins from the early stage of courtship where both the two lovers do not present themselves as who they really are. What do you think would be the fate of a marriage built on lies and deceit, even if subconsciously unintended?
We forget that marriage is a contract; 'till death do us part'. If you hide your 'true colour' during the courtship, it is rather impossible to hide it from someone you will live with for the rest of your life. Frankly speaking, when I see cute unmarried couples these days and feel elated, the next thought that pops to my mind is; 'wait till you see them married'. Some lovers when courting seem like they would never be involved in any dispute between themselves. But seeing them married paints a totally different picture.

Secondly, this is something that more or less has to do with religion. It is how we relate as unmarried couples. Often, we cross our boundaries in the name of 'dating'. We exhibit certain acts even though we know that they are religiously and culturally frowned upon. Most times when people behave immorally as unmarried couples and yet feel comfortable with it, I begin to feel that we have really, sadly gotten to a point where our minds don't register the wrong we do as "wrong". I really do not expect a man to have any respect whatsoever for a woman who chooses to be morally deficient, especially so openly and without remorse. And what many women are yet to understand fully is that every man, no matter how indecent he tends to be, wants a decent woman as the mother of his children.

Marriage is prone to having compromises, you should know what your spouse likes beyond his/her favourite colour. It is imperative that you sit down and discuss very crucial matters like whether or not the wife would work, how many kids you would like to have and when, and even some apparently trivial ones like who gets to take out the trash. We often take conversations like these for granted because we believe we love each other so much we tend to forget that these factors can and could hinder the successes of our marriages.

Lastly, the average today's youth knows very little about the actual concept of marriage, or has some sort of delusional and superficial idea of what marriage really is. Some of us think marriage is all about having romantic candle lit dinners, cuddling and whatnot. Yes, these are constituents of marriage as well, but any and every sane person should know that, that is not all marriage is about. Marriage is way beyond that. Some think of superfluous wedding ceremonies the moment marriage is mentioned, forgetting that marriage is ideally for a life time. Here's a scenario: What about the moments when your spouse disagrees with you on something? Or those times you would get angry at your spouse over the silliest of things like using the toothpaste from the middle of the tube or not closing the toilet seat lid. To situations where your spouse does not notice a kind gesture you tried to exhibit or things like that. What happens then? Would you just up and say I do not want to be in this marriage any longer? We need to remember that marriage entails all that and much more than you can even begin to imagine!

Even though Islam has set out a map for us in guiding us on how to live with our spouses, we'll surely come across bad times which is in fact very natural. I am sure there are so many other moments in marriages which I am certain I do not even know about since I am not married yet. But I'll always agree with the Hausa saying ''Ba auren ba, zaman auren'' (which literally means; Its not getting into marriage, it is surviving the marriage). One needs to be fit for marriage not just in terms of age but thought (thinking) as well. Marriage is far from what is depicted in romantic movies. If you would agree with me, no marriage is perfect. What makes it perfect in a sense, is the ability to endure.

I really hope this piece helps us in curbing and preventing disastrous marriages. We should also remember that Allah says in the Qur'an "Women impure are for men impure and men impure are for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity; such are innocent of that which people say: for them is pardon and a bountiful provision." -(Surah An Nur 24:26).

May Allah make us among the men and women of purity.
May He grant us the ability to stay truthful and honest in our marriages, and may He grant us the Sabr (patience) to face the hardships that will come our way.
May He grant us loving and caring spouses as well as blissful marriages, and may He also make us loving and caring to our spouses.
